The Holy Name Society promotes reverence for the Sacred Names of God & Jesus Christ, as well as assist in parish related activities, ministries and corporal works of mercy. Meetings are held Monthly and Membership is open to all men of the parish over the age of eighteen. For more information about the Holy Name Society or to become a member please email us at: [email protected]
Like us on Facebook @HolyNameSocietyMariaRegina / Follow us on Instagram @HNS_MariaRegina
The Inn Keepers
The Maria Regina Innkeepers prepare over 900 meals and 4,000 sandwiches per month and deliver them to the Mary Brennan INN Soup Kitchen in Hempstead. The Mary Brennan INN Soup Kitchen serves five hot lunches per week and we help serve lunch once per month. We also prepare the Thanksgiving dinner for the INN. None of this would be possible without the help of the Maria Regina parishioners who donate their time, talent, treasure and prayers. For more information or to volunteer, call the rectory at 516 798-2415 or email Carolann Malinowski at [email protected]
Maria Regina Parish is proud to sponsor the Maria Regina Council 12533 of the Knights of Columbus. A very dedicated group of men and their families work with us at so many parish events. The council sponsors membership drives throughout the year, and special events may be found at MARIA REGINA COUNCIL #12533
Currently please note the following officers of this Council:
GRAND KNIGHT: James P. Dolan 516-477-8713
Please feel free to call these men for information on membership and the Knights' activities.