Baptism: The day that a Catholic is baptized is considered the most sacred day of his life. A baptized child or adult becomes configured to Jesus Christ and truly becomes a child of God, an adopted son or daughter of God the Father.The sacrament is celebrated every Sunday at 1:30 PM (except for the months of December to March when it is celebrated every other week). Please contact the Parish Office (798-2415) for an appointment with a priest or deacon at least several weeks before the baptism.
First Holy Communion: Children usually begin their religious education studies in the first grade and are prepared for Holy Communion in the second grade. Please call the Religious Education Office (541-0921) to register your child.
Confirmation: This sacrament is currently celebrated in the 8th Grade after two years of preparation. Please call the Religious Education Office (541-0921) for more information or to register your child.
Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office (798-2415) at any time to arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick either at home or in the hospital.
Matrimony: Congratulations! Couples planning to marry should make an appointment with a priest or deacon at least six months in advance of the date to allow time for adequate preparation.
For a selection of recommended Scripture readings for weddings click here.
Civil marriages may be rectified by the Church through a process called convalidation. Convalidation is a simple marriage Church ceremony to bless the married couple and bring them into the Sacramental Life of the Church.
Holy Orders: Is God calling you? The greatest calling a man could ever have from Christ is to serve Jesus as His Priest. However, knowing that you are called for such a service is not easy to be aware of nor is it as easy to follow. If you are discerning a vocation to the priesthood, and are looking for more information please visit: DRVC Vocation Website
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process by which an adult joins the Church or completes their Sacraments. Please call the office (798-2415) for details.