We are all called to serve God in different ways. Many are called to be priests, permanent deacons and professed religious. The community of Maria Regina prays that if you hear this call, you will be open to God's gentle voice. Call one of our priests or deacons if you wish to discuss the joy of service in the church.
This special ministry, often the first contact with a guest who enters our doors, is a very important ministry. Duties vary with the needs of each Mass, but a smiling face and a cordial greeting goes a very long way.
We have some of the best servers on Long Island! If you wish to serve and are Grade 4 or older, please contact the Rectory.
Lectors are lay Catholics who proclaim the Word of God (the Sacred Scriptures) at Mass and other liturgies. For more information about how to become a lector, contact the Rectory.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, often called "Eucharistic Ministers," are lay Catholics who are commissioned to distribute the Eucharist at Mass or to those at home or in the hospital who are too ill to attend Mass. For more information about how to become a Eucharistic Minister, contact the Rectory.
Why not become a Music Minister? To learn more about the music ministry, please contact Lauretta Kowalik or Christina Leone at (516) 798-2415. We are currently seeking volunteers for the following:
Adult Choir
This group rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00pm in the church and sings every Sunday at the 9:00 AM Mass as well as holidays and other special events. No previous experience is necessary. If you are not able to commit weekly for rehearsal and Mass, perhaps you might consider Festival Choir for Christmas and Easter. You are most welcome!
Children/Youth Choir
This group rehearses every Thursday evening at 5:00 PM in the church. They provide music for Sunday at the 10:30am Mass. We need children from grade 3 and up.
Cherub Choir
This group rehearses on Thursday afternoons at 4:30 PM in the church. No previous experience is necessary. Children ages 4 to 8 are welcome. Parental attendance at rehearsals is requested until the children feel comfortable in this setting.
Adult Handbell Choir/Children's Handbell Choir
We are currently developing a new program and schedule for our handbell choirs. Please contact us if you are interested in this fun ministry!
Cantors are experienced singers who lead our congreagation in the sung prayer of our liturgies. We encourage anyone with some singing experience to consider being a part of this vital and rewarding ministry. Candidates will receive the training and guidance necessary for this special role.
We are always interested in enhancing our liturgies with instrumental music. If you play the violin, viola, cello, trumpet, flute, oboe, clarinet (etc.), we would love to have you join us for Choir Masses and other Masses per your schedule- especially on Holy Days, Advent, Christmas and Easter. Please contact us for more information.